In 2020, the Chemical Technology program was awarded with an Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The project included an immersive learning experience within the field of Chemical Technology at the Cape Fear Community College's Wilmington Campus. The C-TECH Academy supports three initiatives: (1) a CT-CAMP designed for high school and college students, (2) a C-TEaCH Academy designed for high school STEM and CTE teachers, and (3) CT-Discovery sessions designed for learners of all ages and backgrounds.
The first initiative, titled "CT-CAMP", is offered during the summer and has been developed for high school and/or college students. The camp provides a learning opportunity for those interested in science but will also provide students, who are simply exploring their career possibilities, an outlet to discover if Chemical Technology is appropriate for them.
During the fall and spring semesters, the C-TECH Academy will continue to engage the community with meetings that will focus on laboratory techniques blended with hands-on usage of analytical instrumentation. These meeting dates. titled "CT-Discovery", will be offered throughout the academic year. Learners of all backgrounds are encouraged to enroll; high school students, CFCC students, adult learners, and any other member of the general public, are invited to attend these sessions. The CT-Discovery meetings will blend Chemical Technology and current scientific issues with the concept of "citizen science", allowing participants to contribute scientific data to their community. Throughout these meetings, participants will discover and receive training on in-depth analytical processes and real-world laboratory techniques.
A specialized program for high school teachers, titled the C-TEACH Academy is offered each summer. Participants are exposed to laboratory training protocols currently adopted by the Chemical Technology program and ones that are the most important for local employers. New laboratory techniques will be shared, examples of how to integrate these learning activities into STEM classrooms will be discussed, and operation of analytical equipment will be demonstrated. The two-week session is extensively hands-on and provides a condensed example of the chemical technology field.
By participating in the activities offered by the C-TECH Academy, participants will have a better understanding of common laboratory techniques, organic processes, and use of analytical instrumentation. Whichever engagement activity is right for you, you will discover laboratory dynamics on a college campus, become aware of industry standards in various analytical fields, receive training on analytical equipment and software, and network with CFCC faculty, staff, and local employers. Any of C-TECH Academy opportunities are perfect for those who are curious about a hands-on laboratory training program or those who are just seeking to explore the academic/career possibilities. Join us in the Chemical Technology laboratory at CFCC!
ENROLL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT! Click HERE to learn more about CT-CAMP and HERE to learn more about CT-Discovery and HERE to learn more about C-TEACH. All applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.